225 Ascot
French horse Royal Tune is the obvious fly in the ointment with the lack of british form but hes not proven over this far,Breedsbreeze is also solid but Carrickmines is a massive price.
(Back Carrickmines 4pts at 12/1)Result-UP(-4pts)
230 Gowran Park
Roberto Goldback is the most likely winner but is priced accordingly,Scotsirish should run well.
(Back Scotsirish 10 pts at 3/1)Result-UP(-10pts)(DT-14pts)
245 Haydock
Any Given Day is a solid horse and has the ratings to win,Mr Moonshine has lots to find.
(Back Any Given day 13pts at 9/4)(Lay Mr Moonshine 35pts at 5/1)ResultBoth UP(+22pts)(DT+8pts)
2.0 Wincanton
If you forgive Aconitums last run he has a much better chance than his price suggests.
(Back Aconitum 4.5pts at 10/1)Result-Fell(-4.5pts)(DT+3.5pts)
310 winc
If he can run to the same rating as last time,Holmwood Legend has a good chance.
(Back Holmwood legend 5pts at 8/1)Result-UP(-5pts)(DT-1.5pts)
345 winc
Despite being weak in the market,Overturn is a stupid,stupid price.
(Back Overturn 10pts at 7/2)Result-UP(-10pts)(DT-11.5pts)
430 Haydock
Good chase,Benny be good is respected but Mistress Dancers assured stamina could be vital on this ground.
(Back Mistress Dancer 9pts at 4/1)Result-Fell(-9pts)(DT-20.5pts)
355 Haydock
Sir Kezbaah has to prove his stamina in this heavy ground.
(Lay Sir Kezbaah 35pts at 7/2)Result-UP(+35pts)(DT+14.5pts)
Days total minus commission+13.78(Running Total+531.99)
Ive got to be satisfied finishing in front after so many of my backs ran really poor!
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